Tuesday, October 20, 2009

in this loop i used many different effects. in the beginning the drums have a weird delay on them which make them sound unique. the other channel that i added had a weird alien-like sound and i figured to expirement. the project didnt come out as i planned. it was unique and i dont think i will pursue that type of sound agian. at the end i used flanger on the snare. overall the project was unique and i learned what effects i liked and ones i didnt


  1. i like the loop. it has a real spacey effect. the instrument used throughout the loop sounds really cool.the drumming intro sounds out of place at first, but after that it is perfect for pulling in the attention towards the main instrument.

  2. I liked the drums that you had in the beginning because I thought it was a nice prelude to the cool main instrument of your loop. Like Ryder said it was spacey, and i thought that was really cool because I havent heard a loop like that yet. Nice job with the drums as well as the other instruments.

  3. I'm not thrilled about the delay on the drums. Since the drums repeat, and the echo repeats, you get a repeating repeat. Hmm.
    The synth sound is good, but it's all alone. I'd like to hear some support like a bass or melody to go with your riff.
