Monday, September 14, 2009

my drum loop

i had some trouble keeping my drum loop simple because it was only drums and nothing else. i finally ended up going with a simple but fun drum loop.i started off with a simple drum loop that you would probably hear a pretty close version of in a lot of songs that you might listen to. it has the hi-hat and snare and a little bit of kick. in the first drum fill i used the toms and base drum to convert from a mainly hi hat centered deat to one revolving around the ride cymbals. the next fill is basicallly the sendond drum beat with a little extra on top. then it gowes back to the beggining.

1 comment:

  1. eric,

    Your link doesn't work. Please repost.
    When you say "simple and fun" I'm not quite sure what you mean. Also you say that this is a close version of songs that I might listen to. How do you know what I listen to? Give some examples to make your point.
