Thursday, January 21, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
in the beginning i started with a spacey sounding synth with simple drums. there is a simple bass synth in the backround. then there is a transition to the bass part. the bass is only accompinied by the drums. the drums and bass go well together as well as with the rest of the song. then it goes back to the beginning of the my synth i used a saw wave which i tweaked very much. i messed with the half and even buttons above the wave picture. i also played with the sliders on the sde of the wave. for this synth i used operater 1 at 100%, filter 1 at 100%, and FX and output at 75%. for the FX i used the cutoff frequency with an automation clip. the bass synth i got off of a preset in sytrus but i tweaked the the chorus order. the first four measures of the drums were created by me and then the rest of the song are by the FPC. i used aaba form for this loop with 8 measures per part. the first part has a busy main synth and drums with a plain low bass the second part is very busy but the transition is slow then the song goes back to the beginning and then ends.